Friday, 8 May 2015

Teaser from Innocence

Teaser time!! the first 500 words from Innocence

“Hey there, are you okay?” he called out, as he saw the woman standing on the river bridge.

Her arms out to her sides, holding tightly onto the thick steel rail, her back pressed firmly against it for support. He walked closer to her along the river embankment, the dark muddy water flowing down stream. It was the very bridge he used to cross with his parents when he was a boy going for long country walks; it was also the way to get to the other side of the river onto their land many years ago, but now not used. The bridge was not very strong, the planks of wood had rotted in a few places and the bar across had rusted, he feared it wasn’t safe to be used these days.

He wondered how she had got here onto this private land.

He had been minding his own business, blue sky and the sun already giving off some extensive heat. He heard the sound of his shoes on the small pathway running down the river on his parents’ land. He had decided that with the weather being so glorious, he would take a stroll, embracing the quietness, listening to the sound of the birds singing in the tress. The trees were showing signs of new life, budding and the weeds on the embankment were turning green, let alone enjoying the sight of blossom on the trees giving a real true feeling spring is here after such a mild winter.


He stopped walking and checked around that there was no-one with her, he couldn’t see anyone but him and her. Mystified he strode slowly toward her. When near enough he had a clear view of her face, she looked frantic and had been crying for some time. His gaze lowered when something else caught his attention. Her pregnant bump, that looked very swollen. Her brunette coloured hair was long, hanging down with a few curls at the end. She wore a pair of black slouch pants and bright pink vest top, which clung to her round shaped tummy. The woman didn’t look very old at all. She looked stressed and emotional, sobbing her heart out. He felt it was his duty to try and talk to the woman and stop her from what she might be considering.

“My name is Calvin,” he said, wanting to gain her attention. “I’m just taking a walk, it’s a beautiful day, don’t you think?” Hoping she’d answer him. She didn’t even flinch, or glance his way but continued to stare into the water.

He gulped heavily.

The sun was low in sky, and it was warm without a cloud in sight. A perfect spring day.

“I love days like this, don’t you?” he asked, desperate for her to make conversation with him, or even notice he was there. He scrunched up his nose, and rubbed the back of his neck trying to think what he should do or what to say. All he could see, at that moment was a young expectant mother intending to take her life by flinging herself into the river.

He coughed to clear his throat. The woman remained holding onto the railing. He could tell she was quarrelling with herself to do something, and hoped to God it wasn’t what he suspected. The girl still wasn’t showing any indication that she knew he was even there. She was clearly distressed and he longed to try and help her, even if to just get her down from the bridge and to safety.

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