Friday, 24 April 2015

J.M. Maurer the Emerging from Darkness series

I am delighted to have dropping by today the great J.M. Maurer with her series 'Emerging from Darkness' I adore these covers and look forward to reading the them.

Interwiew: Quick and Quirky


1) If money were not an object, where would you most like to live?

Belgium; where I could over-indulge on the best chocolate—forever!

2) If you were a tool, what would people use you to do?

Since I tend to reserve the word "tool" for those with XY chromosomes (men), I'd be used to deliver a heavy intravenous infusion of common sense, chivalry, and romantic qualities into its recipient.

3) Tell us something crazy you’ve done and why you did it.

I juggled 3 tennis balls during an 8th grade health class, the 35 minutes of burning in my arms making me second-guess whether it was worth the 5 extra credit points that I needed to go from a B+ to an A. J

4) What’s your favorite line from Seeking Love?

“You know there’s been plenty of women. Crappy sex without any real connection. She’s not just another beautiful face, a piece of ass. She lights a spark within me I’ve never felt, and I’ve barely even touched her. I want that miracle of closeness. That real moment when two people become one. The real thing. I know what I want, and what I want is her.”

5) What is the one question you wish an interviewer would ask you?

If you were receiving a major literary award and you were about to go onstage with Chris Hemsworth but noticed his fly was down, would you let them know and how would you do it?

Title: Seeking Love (Emerging From Darkness Book 1)

By: J.M. Maurer

Publish Date: April 2, 2015

Categories: Contemporary Romance, Humor, Woman’s Fiction 


Every day, Jessica Winters does what she does best—bury herself in patient care within the walls of the neuro intensive care unit, keeping herself busy to escape the dark sadness that controls her life. But the day she sees Matthew Moi, the intriguing man seated at her new patient’s bedside, her shattered heart begins to frantically beat once again. 
As Matthew pins his mesmerizing gaze upon her, trying to distract her with his humorous and playful banter, she does her best to ignore him. Somehow he already knows a great deal about her, breaking down Jessica’s barriers and awakening her soul, drawing her out of the darkness and into his arms. 
When her painful past resurfaces, revealing truths that threaten her future, Jessica struggles through her issues and fights to stay on a healing path . . . seeking love.

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One thing I knew: I wasn’t that woman anymore. I wouldn’t be her anymore.
My heart was racing at the thought of being separated from Matthew by only the door, and I watched as it opened, knowing he stood mere feet away. I drew in a deep breath to calm my frantic nerves and steady my racing heart. It was the moment my eyes would see him again, and the same moment I knew all involuntary muscle movements would cease.
As Matthew stepped in and around the door, his alluring eyes captured me. The feeling was nothing new. I’d been imprisoned by his gaze before. And locked in it again, I watched as he drifted to me, the indisputable chemistry between us palpable and absolute. His mesmerizing eyes had hypnotized my burning soul, completely bewitching me.
“Hello, Jessica,” he murmured, pointing to an open area of the bed. “Mind if I sit?”
I gave a slight shake of my head, having difficulty forming the simple word “no,” and watched as he made himself comfortable facing me. His crisp charcoal-colored trousers bunched as he scooted on the bed. My sight roamed along his classic plum-colored dress shirt and stopped searching once I focused on his face.

Title: Seeking Redemption (Emerging From Darkness Book 2)
By: J.M. Maurer
Publish Date: May 2, 2015
After surviving a bitter divorce and emerging from a darkness that became all too familiar, Jessica finds herself on top of the world, her soulful awakening allowing her to feel again, trust again, and even love again. Her painful past, however, is relentless, both physically and emotionally, bombarding her daily and not allowing her to overcome the lingering demons that ultimately control her life.
As Matthew lovingly guides her toward a healthy future, his own secrets become known, threatening to destroy the trusting relationship that had quickly grown between them. But despite what life throws her way, Jessica pledges to put the past in the past, accepting that events are often out of her control. She fights for a future with the man who drew her out of the darkness, steering her onto a healing path . . . seeking redemption.
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Grandma O flipped the light switch to what she called my office and stood just inside the door, her soft features and gentle smile inviting me in. I shivered, poised one step away, with a strange yet familiar emotion rushing through me—an awareness that the instant I entered, my life would be forever changed. Again.
Was this Matthew’s plan all along? They all seemed in on it, the thought making me feel railroaded and agitated, yet oddly aroused and enchanted too. Unsure how to deal with such conflicting emotions, I moved forward, looking to Grandma O for answers as I walked through.
 The office was spacious, slightly smaller than Matthew’s, with a mahogany desk in the far corner and in front of an expansive bank of floor-to-ceiling windows. I ran my fingertips along the colorful wall of psychology books and periodicals as I walked along, passing a leather couch on my way to the desk, my desk, and paused in front of an empty nook within the bookcase.
It struck me as odd, the cold wooden surface needing something to spruce it up, make it mine. I had to think about that, my anxiety making it difficult to ponder the issue, my restlessness preventing me from staying in one place.
I moved to the windows and stared out the tiny cracks between the blinds, the world outside just as complicated as the one I had chosen to live in.
“We all read your master’s thesis,” Grandma O said, her voice pulling me out of my thoughts. “It’s obvious you have a natural gift for research and writing.”
I turned and looked at her, questioning how they’d gotten their hands on a copy.
Sedation in the ICU: Patient Accounts of Their Dreams, Their Pain, Their Fears; I hadn’t published it. As it was, after countless hours revisiting old charts and conducting hundreds of interviews, I’d never been more nervous or scared the instant it was pulled from my tight grip to be placed into the hands of someone who would actually read it. There was no way I’d ever publish it, opening myself up to a world filled with critics.
“If you’re wondering, Dr. Moi is a personal friend of Professor Marienetti. The sexual fantasies accounted for and described within your research were fascinating, probably more so than Dr. Marienetti could digest. We’re baffled as to why you chose not to publish. The results, Jess, are far reaching, from ICUs to dentists’ offices. You have a special gift; embrace it.”
She walked toward me and leaned her back against the wall, her gaze drinking in the room.
“This office has been vacant, just waiting for you. You could do great things here.” She patted my arm, her grandmotherly smile telling me it would all be okay. “I’m next door if you need anything.”
Embrace it, I thought, watching as she walked out the door. I’d heard that advice before—from Matthew. I sighed and looked down upon the desk, the one I knew would take me a while to start calling my own.
My desk, my office, my couch, it all sounded quite foreign. I wasn’t sure if I liked it or not.

About the Author:


JM Maurer lives with her family in Chicago. She makes it a point to never work on a full moon and cringes when a coworker uses the “Q” word—never, ever say, “It’s a quiet day today," at her day job.
Known for being overly superstitious, she can usually be found scraping at the remnants of a Nutella container, screaming at a hockey game, or putting pen to paper, allowing the “real” crazy voices in her head to come alive. And after all this, it’s no wonder she’s an incurable romantic and loves escaping the rat race of life to immerse herself inside the world of a really good romance book . . . because, after all, what’s better than a happily-ever-after?

Find J.M. Maurer Here:

Amazon Author Page:


  1. Good afternoon! It's Matthew Moi here. And what a pleasure it is to stop in today. J.M.'s flight has been delayed, but she'll be here as soon as she can. In the meantime, since she refuses to fly anywhere with me these days—she's a tad perturbed with me, though, I have not a clue as to why ;-)—I'm here. I'd be happy to answer any questions and reply to comments. So bring 'em on!

    Oh, and before I forget, J.M. is gifting 5 ebooks of Seeking Love (Emerging From Darkness Book 1) today. Just visit her website and sign up for her newsletter. Don't worry, she doesn't email too often; she's too busy trying to keep me in check. Note the operative word here as—trying. ;-)

    So what are you waiting for? It's free. Go now, then return here with some lovely tea so we can have a proper chat!

    ~Matthew XX <3

    1. One more thing, when you sign up, be sure to tell her where you found out about her giveaway. She loves hearing from you.

      ~Matthew XX

    2. Thank you for the information Matthew!

    3. You are quite welcome, Ms. Gill. It is a pleasure to meet another Holly. And I must say, I am forever grateful for Holly, Jessica's best friend. Though, I can't exactly tell you why. Spoilers.

      It's a beautiful day here. While I'm here, where might I find some tasty biscuits, preferably with some caramel drizzle. I love my caramel; just not as much I love my Jess. :-)

    4. Well over in the UK it's cloudy and windy. Sweet tooth? well over here we have (or is the me?) a typical English tradition treacle sponge lathered in custard or with the very best ice cream, just cannot beat it. And the best warm English tea...excuse me off to bake I think I have all the ingredients lol

    5. Yes, as long I can attend to my sweet tooth, any day in England in a beautiful day! Windy, cloudy days are perfect for those oh-so-fun indoor activities. *raises brows* And did you say Ice Cream? I do also love ice cream. There is so much one can do with it, besides eat it.
      Though, I've never tried ice cream and tea together. Hmm. Can't wait to try that!

    6. Giggles!! oh trust me its definite combination Matthew ;)

    7. With all this tea, could someone please kindly point me toward the *cough, cough* . . . loo?

  2. Hello, readers! It's a pleasure being here to share Jessica and Matthew's story with you.
    Ah, I see that Matthew has visited; which makes me happy that he's doing something other than . . . Well I guess I can't really tell you that, now, can I? But I really would like a chat with him!

    For now, I'd be happy to answer any question. I always love hearing from you.
    I hope you have a wonderful day!

    1. Thank you so much for visiting my blog with Jessica and Matthew's story, he really is a catch....but shhhh don't tell him that. I've enjoyed having you both here! More tea please! or is that fruity wine!

    2. Did someone say, "wine?" Please, allow me. A fine wine needs to . . . breathe. *wink*
      Gouda anyone?

    3. Oh yes, breathe, we all need to breathe ;)

    4. Medically speaking, red wine has been shown to help with circulation, the antioxidants purported to contain some healing power. However, my own research shows that 30 minutes of a *clears throat* vigorous exercise, of sorts, is even better when it comes to healthy blood circulation. *smirks*
      Cheers *wink*

    5. I'm afraid I will need to defer to Matthew on that. After all, it is his specialty; he certainly has done his research.

      Thanks again for hosting us; it's been fun. However, I do believe I should get Matthew out of here before he attempts recruiting your readers for his . . . special kind of fun.

      Wishing you all health, happiness, and love.
      J.M. xx

    6. *Places goblet on table* Thank you! It's been a pleasure. I will certainly say hello to Jess when I return. For now, it's nearly time to hit the sheets, and I've got a HOT book to read. It's called, 'Desires,' and it's by the awesome author, Holly J. Gill.

      Sweet Dreams
      ~Matthew XX

    7. Thank you both been a pleasure to have Desires hey? Not going to say a word! ;)

      Sweet Dreams
      Holly xx
