Monday, 20 July 2015

Second City Book Signing!


Wow, I am totally speechless, my breath had been snatched at times, overwhelmed and truly delighted.
What a totally awesome, mind-blowing day I had attending the Second City Book Signing in Birmingham at St Andrews Football ground. 

I had no idea what to expect form the day, having never attended a book signing before visiting or as an author, I had no idea how much swag to prepare, how many books to take, what other authors would be like, I mean we all sit and chat in the comfort of our laptops, are safe place, but when it comes to meeting these people its wonderful, finally faces to the names I'd wished to see for a few years example bloggers, reviews and the ten months interacting with authors attending the book signing. The whole event had taken me months to prepare, but I'll admit I pulled it off.
Once I had my table set up with black table clothes, placing Desires my erotic series and Innocence only having a scatter of leaflets and photo's of the cover due to not being in print yet. The gold covers looked fabulous with the black background then being cheeky and pinching my hubbies demonstration boards for his hobby, again having the black background the covers were up and fully displayed. I scattered a few lollipops to visitors to suck on...and love is sweets, which I personally love, (a few got pinched lol).

With Tina Williams for
A readers Review Blog

I talked to a few authors, gaining some advice, chatting about our hobbies and how to promote ourselves. The doors opened and in flocked the fans, readers, and authors.

I will say, I had a moment of shock when a lady hurried to my desk and said 'I have read Desires, my goodness it was hot. I wasn't aware there were four more in the series' Well there you go, Desires sold itself :). The rest of the day continued with my smiling proudly showing of my babies, and for me having not only erotica to promote but a sweet mainstream adult romance. One woman screamed at the cover of Innocence and insisted on having a picture taken with the cover in the background, how could I refuse? 
The steam of visitors were great, getting wrist ache for signing so much, kindle covers, books, notebooks, pictures, T-shirts even a bottom which threw me lol. My legs stiff due to up and down having pictures taken, just amazing.

Another thing for me was meeting some of the wonderful Secret Cravings Publishers authors, who had come to visit me, they were visiting for the day and well wonderfully arranged for us all to meet up, just sensational.
Secret Cravings Publishing Authors
Jodie Horton, Amanda Ward, Isobelle Cate,
me and Julie Dalglish

The whole experience made me lost for words, I would sincerely like to thank Cassie Hunt for organising the amazing event. She'd put together some wonderful volunteers to help on the day, all a great laugh, joining in and making us laugh.
A special thank you to the photographer who got a wicked picture of me, even if my hubby had been cheeky to me lol.  
The only regret I have...I didn't get to walk around the rooms and meet some further authors, I wasn't being rude, but as soon as I tried to go and see who was where and introduce myself, someone came to my table ;)
The whole day exceeded my expectations and cannot wait to take part in another one. I gave it my heart and soul.
I love my hobby!
Me signing!

Wow what a great report from 'A readers review blog' I have spoken, tweeted helped with social media for these two amazing ladies and to finally meet them was just incredible. Hope to see them again soon xx

**SPECIAL REPORT** SECOND CITY SIGNING - 18th July 2015 (St. Andrews, Birmingham, UK) via

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