Wow, time is just rushing by I cannot believe we are already into August and have overheard people talking about buying Christmas presents, personally I buy like a week before, leaving everything to the last minute, but this year I have plans, big plans to get organized.
I have this month some amazing events my grandbabies. I am grateful enough to have twins a girl and boy and they have a big day approaching their christening, I cannot believe they are already eight months old, rolling over, attempting to sit on their own, their smiles on their cheeky faces is enough to melt my heart. My daughter brought a t-shirt for my grandson saying 'mum says no but nana says yes' I will confess once I see them, I just give in, well what's the use in being a nana if you cannot spoil them? I have my own birthday coming up with a holiday and fingers crossed me and hubby are going camping. Yes, I love camping, we have found a super spot close to York England where no under sixteen's are allowed, a small idyllic setting with a large fishing pond, my hubby gets to fish while I sit and write or read with nothing but the sound of the birds and the blowing of the trees to annoy me. My idea of heaven!
Where am I with my books? Well I am super excited as I have sent of the cover art questions to my publisher for the front cover of Innocence Of Love, book 2 in the Innocence series, now with book 2 looming in the background and with the editor its soon going to be hyping up, exciting times.
Now first, I have book 1 to shout out, get out in the big wide world and I have teamed with Book Pimpers to do a Book Release Blitz five day book tour to celebrate the 1st book in the series Innocence.
I am calling on author, bloggers, readers, anyone who might be able to precipitate in the tour, even if its just a tweet, anything just to help boost for this sweet adult romance series, that's full of emotion
Review of Amazon US
Wow! Innocence is an emotionally-charged read from the first page to the last. I could not stop reading. This is not a pretty story, but one of rough, edgy feelings that had me sheading a few tears. I fell in love with Calvin, a man who is not afraid to show his feelings and acknowledge his pain. While this story has strong romantic elements, it is a tale of the consequences of decisions made in the past and how they affect Kacey’s life irrevocably. I look forward to continuing her life’s journey in the next books in the series.
Now to take part all I ask is for you to sign up by using this link Book Release Blitz for Innocence. I look forward to any help received.
Happy reading! Happy writing!
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